UK Biochar Research Centre
Charchive Standard Biochars

Dr. Andrew Cross

photo of Dr. Andrew Cross
Research Associate
Home Page:

I started work at the UK Biochar Research Centre in late 2009. My role as research associate involves the development of a toolkit to provide screening of different biochar products. The toolkit will assess biochar stability in soils, the effects of biochar additions on pre-existing soil carbon, and the agronomic value of biochar additions to soil.

Prior to this I completed my PhD in 2009 at the University of Edinburgh under the supervision of Professor John Grace. My PhD title was “An investigation of carbon flows from forest soils, in relation to climatic warming”, and involved work at forests in the U.K., as well as collaborative work carried out with the French National Institue for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Bordeaux, France.

I completed my MSc in Environmental Protection and Management at the University of Edinburgh in 2005, and a BSc (Hons) in Marine and Environmental Biology at the University of St. Andrews in 2004.

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