UK Biochar Research Centre
Charchive Standard Biochars

Sustainable urban carbon capture - engineering soils for climate change (SUCCESS)

Key Staff:
Prof. David Manning, Dr. Saran P. Sohi, Professor R. Stuart Haszeldine
October 2014 to May 2017
Partners in Research:
Newcastle University (Lead)


Project based at Newcastle University. SUCCESS considers a complementary technology for carbon capture - soil carbonation. This uses the natural, passive reaction of carbon dioxide with soil minerals to form stable soil inorganic carbon (carbonates). Accumulation of carbonates has been found to be very rapid in urban soils that contain abundant calcium owing to prior use; accumulation may be accelerated by the presence of plants. One option might be to design urban areas to both accumulate and store carbon when planning land development. Biochar and cabonation could provide a mix of functions that are useful - even critical - in densely populated centres. Full details of the project can be found on the SUCCESS project website.


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